Welcome to the Verdemar 3 Website

Information and News for Owners of Property in Verdemar 3

Latest NEWS:

15/10/24: The large swimming pool is now closed for the winter. The small pool is open all year round from 9:00 to 21:00

12/10/24: The 2025 AGM will be held on Wednesday 5th March at The Madhouse, Tiro De Pichon. Please send any building requests or agenda items to [email protected] by 31st December 2024

29/09/24:Last week we had the pine trees on the area between the fountain and the large pool treated for processional caterpillars.

Pine Processionary Caterpillars are usually around 3-4 cm long, with a warm yellow, orange, or brown colour. Their bodies are covered in millions of hairs which function as tiny poison arrows to protect themselves. These hairy larvae can easily end your dog’s life, but they can also be dangerous to young children and create severe allergic reactions in adults, which is why we are treating the trees.

They spend their first living weeks in white spider-web-like nests in pine trees. Once they crawl down to the ground, which is where you mostly will see them, either still in a crowd regrouping or walking in a line, up to 2 meters long. They will walk in a line until they find a suitable place to crawl underground. After a few months underground, they turn into moths and fly out, usually in autumn.

Also known as the pine processionary moth, they will eventually fly up in the pine trees and lay their eggs. Each individual can lay around 300 eggs in a sticky mass which is fastened to a pine needle. Once the baby caterpillars are born, they build a nest which they use as a base while foraging on the pine trees until they are big enough. They travel long distances at night to feed on pine trees far from their nests, even in freezing temperatures.

The bags you see in the picture attached to the trees sends a poison into the tree which the caterpillars will ingest and hopefully kill them before they build their nests.

27/09/24: A reminder to all owners that garden rubbish should not be left in or next to the grey bins. All garden rubbish should be taken to the silver bins, the nearest one being through the arch at the back of The Pitstop bar.

03/09/2024: The autumn cutting of all palm trees (community and private) will take place w/c 21st October

01/09/2024: A reminder that the opening times for the large pool for September are 10:00 to 18:00

12/08/2024: There has been a problem taking the community fees for August. We are waiting for an update from the bank to find out what date they will be taken from your accounts and will update you once we have more information.

07/08/2024: The small pool will close at 6pm tonight. There are several tiles missing and we have a scuba diver coming to repair them without the need to empty the pool. The pool will be reopen as normal tomorrow (Thursday) at 8:30am.

06/08/2024: The small pool gates are still causing problems. The gates are currently padlocked to prevent people from getting locked in. The engineer is booked for this morning.

05/08/2024: The gate system in the small pool has been checked and all the keys reset so it should be working now.

04/08/2024 (11:45am): I am aware of the problem with the gates to the small pool. I have called the engineer to come and look at it. Please use the large pool until the situation is resolved.

15/07/2024: The small pool will be closed on Friday 19th July from 5pm. This is to repair the broken lights in the pool and to repair missing tiles around the drains. It will be done using scuba diving to minimise disruption. The pool will be back open on Saturday 20th July.

10/07/2024: The small pool is now open again. The solar panels are up and running. We hope you like the new shaded area under the pergola.

01/07/2024: The committee recently took the decision to change the pool maintenance company. Therefore, we would like to welcome our new pool maintenance team of Diego and Dan from South East Pools. They will be taking care of the pools, stream and animal fountain.

13/06/2024: The small pool will be closed tomorrow (Friday 14th June) so we can begin the foundations for the pergola for the solar panels. The big pool will be open from 10:00 to 20:00 as normal.

04/06/24: If you are carrying out any work on your property (internally or externally) that is likely to be noisy, it would be helpful if you can notify us by sending an email to [email protected] with approximate dates of the work. This way we can post it on the website here

We have recently had a few complaints from people who have turned up for their holiday and have been disturbed by constant building noise. We fully understand this and if we can notify people they can then choose to avoid any dates where work is taking place.

29/05/2024: 12:20pm Unfortunately the large pool will be closed today as the lifeguard is not well and we cannot get a replacement. It will be open as usual tomorrow.

21/05/2024: Just a reminder that MJ Gardening are here today to cut all the private palm trees. They will be back tomorrow to prune the trees on the area between the fountain and the large pool.

Also, as of today, they will be taking over the gardening contract from Atlantir and doing our weekly garden maintenance. We are looking forward to working with Zach, Matt and his team to continue our improvement of the community gardens. All of the lads wear company T- shirts so are easily recognisable around the urbanisation.

14/05/2024: A vigilant owner has reported seeing people leaving the large pool going up the steps and across to Verdemar 1/2 each day. Can we remind owners that the use of the Verdemar 3 pools is only for owners and guests who are staying on Verdemar 3. Key fobs should not be loaned to friends in other urbanisations. Not only is this unfair to the owners on Verdemar 3 who are paying for this facility, but there is also the issue of safety if there is an accident.

30/04/2024: As of 17:30 today the solar panels are up and running and we are generating our own electricity for the community. Not only will this save us money, it is also providing some shade in the pool area.

25/04/2024: Installation of the solar panels in the large pool began today. The work will be completed and the system will be up and running by Tuesday 30th April before the large pool opens.

21/04/2024: The large swimming pool will open on 1st May. Opening times for May will be 11:00 to 17:00. Full details of opening times can be found here

09/04/2024: The pruning of the palm trees will start next week. Firstly, all of the community trees will be done by our gardeners, Atlantir.

All the palms in private gardens will then be pruned together as agreed at the AGM. They will be done by MJ Gardening (Matt and Zach) who many of you are familiar with. The earliest we could book this was 21st May, but they will all be done on that day and all the rubbish cleared away.

Owners with a private palm will be charged €18 extra on their quarterly payments. The second cutting of the trees will then take place in Sept/Oct.

11/03/2024: Valerie Wooff has been our garden manager since March 2022 making sure the gardeners are carrying out their duties effectively as well as transforming many sections of the gardens, in particular the large pool area.

Val has recently decided to step down from her role due to, in her words, “advancing years”. The work she has done has created a great foundation going forward and the committee intend to carry on the good work. Val will be staying on as a valuable member of the committee.

As no-one has shown an interest in taking on this very important role, Dawn Lynn has agreed to take on this job as well as recently being elected as Vice President.

The 2024 AGM will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 13:15. More details…..

02/03/2024: With the environment in mind, I will not be printing off multiple copies of documents for the AGM. There will be limited copies available but all information will also be on a Power Point slide show during the meeting in both English and Spanish. If you particularly want any documents to refer to at the meeting, please bring them with you or have them available on your mobile device.

29/02/2024: A reminder to all owners that if you name appears on the debtors list you will not be able to vote at the AGM next week or give a proxy vote.

08/02/24: Last year in the path between houses 308 and 309 we had 2 water leaks. You can see this in the ringed area in the photo where the slabs are a different colour where they have been reinstated. We now have a 3rd leak further along the path where Hidraqua have marked the floor with a pink mark shown in the same picture.

Therefore, we have made the decision to replace the whole section of pipe from the main, right to the meter cupboard. This work started this morning and as you can see from the pictures the whole path has been excavated. There will be some disruption while this work is carried out. We would appreciate it if you please avoid this path and find an alternative route.

Community Fees: A Reminder

As a committee we spend a lot of time chasing people who have not paid their community fees or those who pay late. If you pay by direct debit, THANK YOU, your next payment will be taken on 1st Feb.

For those of you who do not pay by direct debit your next payment is due BY 1ST FEB. Any payment made after this date will incur a late payment fee.

Some of you choose to pay yearly. If you want to do this the beginning of the year is 1st Feb, so this is when the payment will be due. If you miss any payment dates and catch up with payments half way through the year you will be charged the late payment fee for the quarters you are behind with.

Also, for anyone who does not pay by direct debit, FOR ANY PAYMENT SENT FROM OUTSIDE THE EU (e.g. from the UK) WE NOW HAVE TO PAY BANK CHARGES AT THIS END TO RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT usually around €18. This amount should be added to your payment.

To find out your quarterly payment amount visit this page

15/01/2024: A reminder that tomorrow and Wednesday the tree surgeons will be on the urbanisation to prune the pine trees at the far side of the stream adjacent to houses 125 to 133. There may be some noise and dust while they are working.

We would like to wish all owners and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy 2024 🎄🎅🏻🍾

15th December 2023: We would like to notify you that on 16th and 17th January 2024 the pine trees at the far side of the stream will be pruned. This is being done firstly to raise the canopy level to give light to nearby houses and secondly to remove any dangerous branches which may fall if not attended to. Houses in this area may experience some disruption during the work. There will be noise while the cutting is taking place and potentially a lot of dust. Some of the paths will be closed while the work is taking place for safety reasons and also so that the rubbish can be removed.

28th November 2023: The committee will be meeting at the SMALL pool for a
Christmas drink on Christmas Day. We will provide a free glass of Cava for anyone who wants to join us and we will be taking a Christmas photo. Bring your own glass or a plastic one will be provided. Please confirm your attendance by email [email protected] or via the Facebook page Verdemar 3 Community Owners | Facebook so that we can get an idea of numbers.

14th November 2023: Any owners who have a proposal for the 2024 AGM please email it to [email protected] by 31st December 2023, including your name and house number.

4th November 2023: Just to clarify for those who have been asking. The rubbish and recycling bins have been moved on Calle Manuel de Falla from the Fortuna 3 side of the road to the Verdemar 3 side of the road on instruction of the local police.

12th October 2023: The large pool will close on Saturday at 4pm for the winter period. The small pool will remain open. We will be moving two extra sunbeds to the small pool and removing the other plastic furniture which has been left there. Can I you please return the sunbeds onto the concrete after use and do not leave them on the grass.

28th September 2023: The 2024 AGM will take place on Wednesday 6th March. More details to follow soon…

26th September 2023: The latest debtors list is available to view under the current documents page. We are pleased to inform you that we have now collected the long standing debt from Property 531 of €7411.40.

19th September 2023: We are aware that there is a problem with access to the small pool. None of the keys are working. The key company have been contacted and we will try and fix it as soon as possible.

15th September 2023: The committee will next be meeting on Wednesday 27th September. If there is anything you would like us to discuss please email [email protected]

12th September 2023: Please be aware of a keyholder who is operating in Verdemar 3. In between lets he is telling owners that their pool key has been lost and then trying to sell it back to them for €40.

He is telling people that he has bought the key from “his mate who has a spare one”. Just to confirm that each property is only allocated one key and no-one has a spare one that they can sell. We can check the number of each fob as they all have an individual chip in them, so know that the “spare key” he is trying to sell is the one originally allocated to that house.

If this happens to you we can check the number of the key fob for you as we do not want anyone to get conned out of €40 for a key which actually belongs to them in the first place!

10th September 2023: Now the cooler weather is here, the community painting team will recommence tomorrow. Anyone wishing to help please email [email protected] All materials will be provided.

01st September 2023: The large pool opening times are now reduced for September. The large pool is open from 10:00 to 18:00. The small pool still remains open until 22:00.

06th August 2023: A brown shopping bag was found close to the small pool on the path yesterday (5th August). It has a few items in it. If anyone has lost it please email [email protected]

02nd August 2023: A polite reminder to all owners and their guests that inflatables are not permitted in either swimming pool. Also, the small pool gates lock automatically at 22:00. Please make sure you have left the pool by this time and that the gate is closed!

09th July 2023: The summer security service commenced last weekend and will run until 31st August. The security guard is based in the small pool but will be doing regular patrols around the urbanisation. They are on duty from 10am to 9pm. We have Diego working Monday to Friday and Simon at the weekends. If you have any issues or see anyone acting suspiciously you can call them on +34 643 725 247

26th June 2023: The trial of sunbeds in the small pool has so far been successful so they will be staying in there. We have ordered 4 new sunbeds for the large pool to replace those which were moved.

23rd June 2023: The latest debtors list is available to view under the current documents page and is now down to just a few people. We having been working hard writing to owners to arrange payment plans for some of the bigger debts and the a lot of the smaller ones have now been paid. More information can be found on the latest President’s Blog.

18th June 2023: The security service will commence on 1st July and run throughout July and August as usual. We will make the number of the security person available as soon as we have it. They will be based in the small pool area and will be patrolling the urbanisation every couple of hours including visiting the large pool. They are in place to make sure the community rules are being followed by owners and their guests and to make the committee aware of any incidents or security issues in the community.

30th May 2023: The next committee meeting will be on 14th June. If there is anything you would like us to discuss on the agenda please email [email protected]

23rd May 2023: The latest debtors list can be found under the Current Documents page. If you are on the list, details on how you you can make a payment are on the Community Fees page. If you are having difficulties making a payment please let us know and we can arrange a payment plan for you.

22nd May 2023: The committee have been carrying out an inspection of the urbanisation to check owners are keeping their properties to the required standard….read more

21st May 2023: For information: A quarterly charge of €17.40 for “waste disposal” used to be included in the water bill for each property. This has now been removed from the water bill and will be collected separately by SUMA. If you have a direct debit set up already you will be charged two payments of €34.80 one in May and one in November.

8th May 2023: Please make sure you close the swimming pool gate when entering and leaving the pool. This weekend the reader was damaged due to the gate being left open and we have had to pay to have it repaired.

2nd May 2023: The large swimming pool opened yesterday. Our garden manager Valerie Woof (pictured below) has been working hard replanting and maintaining the gardens in the pool area and it is looking fantastic ready for the summer. The pool hours for May are 11:00 to 17:00. We have the same lifeguards as last year so they are both familiar with the urbanisation and procedures. The water temperature yesterday was a pleasant 26 degrees!

26th April 2023: There has been some problems in the last 24 hours with pool key fobs, for some reason some keys have been deactivated and we don’t know why. If you have a problem getting into the pool either send an email to [email protected] or contact us via the community Facebook page and we will respond as soon as possible to resolve it.

21st April 2023: The [email protected] email is now back up and running. Any emails sent to this address between 15th and 21st April have been lost so you will need to resend them. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this but the internet provider accidentally deleted the account and we had to set it up again from scratch!

15th April 2023: There has this morning been a technical problem with the email address [email protected]. We are trying to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

14th April 2023: At the AGM the owners voted for sunbeds to be put in the small pool area. In order to assess the best options we have put 4 sunbeds in there on a trial basis. We are looking to see if the grass gets damaged and also if they are manageable for people to move around before we decide what type to buy.

10th April 2023: Can all owners please abide by the pool rules when using the pool. Make sure the gate is closed when you enter and leave and remember there is no food or alcohol allowed in the pool area. If you have renters in your property please make them aware of the rules, they are there for a reason. Anyone found breaking the rules will have their key fob revoked.

04th April 2023: We will be holding our first committee meeting on Wednesday 12th April. If there is anything you would like us to discuss on the agenda please email [email protected]

24th March 2023: The gardeners are this week commencing the pruning of the communal palm trees. If you have a palm tree in your private garden and you would like it pruned at the same time please email [email protected] with your name and house number and we can arrange for the gardeners to do it for you. This will then be charged to your account for payment with the next community fees.

20th March 2023: There is now a President’s Blog Page, accessible from the bottom left menu. This has been created with the intention of keeping you up to date with projects that are going on around the urbanisation and can also be viewed at the following link: Blog – VERDEMAR 3 COMMUNITY

17th March 2023: Welcome to the new website for the Verdemar 3 community. These pages are here to provide you with information and keep you up to date with the latest news for your community. To make it more accessible for all owners you can now change the language at the top by clicking the relevant flag. Please note the new email address [email protected] may take 48 hours until it is working

10th March 2023: We are now on Facebook!! A Facebook group has been set up to for owners to chat and share information. It is a private group, so you will need to ask to join it. Go to www.facebook.com/groups/verdemar3 or click on the Facebook icon on the bottom right of the page.